Science Addiction

A dormant blog by Devanshu Mehta

Month: July, 2009

Find Creative Commons Images using Google Image Search

Great new tool:

Today, we’re launching a feature on Image Search to help you find images that you can use for free, while respecting the wishes of artists and creators. This feature allows you to restrict your Image Search results to images that have been tagged with licenses like Creative Commons, making it easier to discover images from across the web that you can share, use and even modify. Your search will also include works that have been tagged with other licenses, like GNU Free Documentation license, or are in the public domain.

via Official Google Blog: Find Creative Commons images with Image Search.

American Exceptionalism

A bit of 1940s truth-telling, as my meditation for this 4th of July, from Ernie Pyle after the US Armys humiliating loss to Rommels army in Tunisia:

Personally, I feel that some such setback as that — tragic though it was for many Americans, for whom it would always be too late — was not entirely a bad thing. It was all right to have a good opinion of ourselves, but we Americans were so smug with our cockiness. We somehow felt that just because we were Americans we could whip our weight in wildcats. And we had got it into our heads that production alone would win the war.

Ernie Pyle Death PhotoHe goes on:

As for our soldiers themselves, you need not have felt any shame or concern about their ability. I saw them in battle and afterward and there was nothing wrong with the American soldier. His fighting spirit was good. His morale was okay. The deeper he got into a fight the more of a fighting man he became.

Ernie Pyle was an American journalist, who later died of sniper fire in Japan and is one of the few civilians killed during the war to win the Purple Heart.
[via Armchair Travel]

Iraq: Beginning of the End

Extraordinary set of pictures from the beginning of the end of American occupation of Iraq, courtesy the Boston Globe.

We Have Just Killed Gandhi Again

Amit Varma reprints a poem by Salil Tripathi to his mother, about intolerance in the name of religion.

After reading what I’ve been writing over the years,

Some folks have complained that I just don’t get it.

I live abroad: what do I know of India?

But I knew you; that was enough.

[via ‘My Mother’s Fault’ – The India Uncut Blog – India Uncut.]

The poem has references to specific (and shameful) Indian events from the past 20 years, look them up if you’re curious. For me, the poem hits close to home.