Things I Don’t Like About Google Buzz

by Devanshu Mehta

I generally like Google Buzz, especially things that it may enable with its APIs. Having said that, things I don’t like about Buzz so far:

  1. It brings every message that has a new comment to the top. I have to manually mute each conversation I don’t want to hear from again.
  2. It won’t let me comment on some Google Reader shares. It says “Oops, there was an error posting your comment. Please try again in a few seconds.”
  3. It doesn’t update feeds (twitter, rss, other) in real time. Sometimes delayed as much as 12 hours. Sometimes doesn’t show up at all.
  4. There is no way for me to share to a subset of people without everyone in that subset knowing the members of the subset. Confused?
  5. Finally, I would like more control over what gets posted. e.g. only tweets that are tagged #buzz.
  6. And recognize redundancy. If I post something to twitter and share it in Reader, don’t show my followers both.

Most or all of this can be fixed with subsequent updates, so I’m not worried.